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Get the flame retardant skills of Weize wall coverings and give yourself more "sense of security"
2020-10-19 15:46:02

Wall as an important part of home improvement
To a great extent, it affects the style and appearance of the home.
The wallcovering enhances the structure of the whole space
Also show the taste of life


Xiaowei will introduce to you
Flame retardant technology of Weize wallcovering



Q:Everyone is familiar with the word "flame retardant", so what is flame retardant?


Xiaowei: Simply to say that flame retardant is the release of suffocating gas after high temperature, which can help put out the fire.





Comes with B1 grade flame retardant

According to GB50222-95 "Standard for Fire Protection of Interior Decoration Design of Buildings", decorative materials are divided into four grades according to their combustion performance: A non-combustible, B1 non-flammable, B2 flammable, and B3 flammable.


According to GB50222-95 "Standard for Fire Protection of Interior Decoration Design of Buildings", decorative materials are divided into four grades according to their combustion performance: A non-combustible, B1 non-flammable, B2 flammable, and B3 flammable.


The composition of flame retardant wallcovering


The composition of flame-retardant wall covering The siloxane-coated ammonium polyphosphate synergistic flame retardant was prepared with methyltrimethoxysilane and polyphosphoric acid (APPⅡ) as raw materials, and the optimal ratio of phosphorus/silicon was determined by orthogonal experiments. The flame retardant is compounded with water-based polyurethane to form an environmental friendly flame retardant coating agent, which is used for the finishing of the flame retardant coating on the surface of the wall covering.


The scope of application of flame retardant wall covering


"Flame retardant wall covering" has become a life proposition, and flame retardant wall covering is suitable for interior decoration projects in hotels, restaurants, entertainment, homes and other places. Enriching the functions of wall coverings, improving the technical content and added value of wall coverings, Weize wall covering flame retardant technology is a symbol of strength and a guarantee of quality, which can safely guard the health and safety of you and your family.



Develop flame retardant products and develop towards indoor non-combustibility
It is the best solution to reduce and eliminate fire
When choosing flame retardant wall coverings
To choose wall covering products produced by regular manufacturers
Avoid losses due to improper selection
Weize wall covering
Give you a safe and secure green home
